Actress Priyamani, who made a mark in Paruthiveeran, is quite determined to keep up her winning spree. She followed Paruthiveeran with Malaikottai, where she paired up with Vishal. That movie too turned out to be a hit. Now, the actress has decided to star only opposite popular heroes as she feels it helps raise her star value. She has even reportedly turned down an offer to act opposite director Ameer, who is turning hero with Yogi. Ameer was the person who made her an actress to reckon with by offering her the role of Muthazhagu in Paruthiveeran. Justifying her decision, the actress says that in the current scenario, heroines in Kollywood are usually approached by producers based on the stars they have paired with. The actress says that she herself had been a victim of this scenario till now as she had found it hard to bag new projects despite having acted in films of reputed directors like Bharathi Raja and Balu Mahendra. Hence, the actress says she has been forced to take this decision to establish her place in Kollywood.
Mallika Sherawat had a lip surgery
Mallika Sherawat had a lip surgery
[image: Mallika Sherawat had a lip surgery]
[image: Mallika Sherawat had a lip surgery][image: Mallika Sherawat had...
13 years ago
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